Sunday, May 14, 2006

MCS Student Body President 2006-2007

Midland, TX - May 12, 2006
JC Bailey Family Blog

Editorial Page

Today Bailey Ann Brown, daughter of Tod and Lee Ann Brown, was introduced as the Student Body President of Midland Christian Schools for 2006-07 school year.

The election of Miss Brown was the results of the voting of both the student body and the faculty. For those who heard the speeches of the candidates, there was no surprise in the annoucement. Our reporters all agreed that Bailey's speech was a master piece of both rhetoric and elocution. If that wasn't enough, the stunning beauty of Miss Brown even had the football team holding their breath. It was generally agreed that Miss Brown's beauty is known to those who know her best, as both an outward and inward. A beauty that is not exceeded even by her intellect.

A free press is wonderful, but it is the belief of the editor-in-chief of this blog that all bias should be confessed. This editor admits to having formed an opinion about Bailey Brown just a few minutes after her birth. His evaluation then was "she's perfect......just perfect". I have had no reason to change my mind. Congratulations Bailey. Papa loves you.

(Please note: all letters to the editor will be published). Posted by Picasa


LeeAnn said...

Dear sir,
I must say I agree with everything that you said about Miss Brown in your article. My only worry is she won't have the time she needs to devote herself to Student Council. The public may not realize she is also president of National Honor Society, Varsity cheerleader and plays varsity golf. Time will tell if this girl can do it all...she is really cute though...her parents must be very proud!!!

John Bailey said...

I'm not worried about her handling all her responsibilities. The only thing I am concerned about is whether she will have time for her papa.

Jordan said...

To the editor:
Bailey Brown will surely be able to fulfill all her obligations as she is a talented and dedicated young lady. She's also hilarious and a great cousin. Congrats Bailey! Presidential servitude seems to be a habit...and full schedules seem to be a family trait.

Stephen Bailey said...

Miss Brown's election comes as no surprise to this reader. I seem to remember her mother had quite an impressive record in the high school political arena.
Congratulations Bailey! Just don't get confused and give a National Honor Society speech to the whole student body (you don't want to confuse the masses) or begin cheering loudly during someone's backswing and you'll be fine.

John Bailey said...

It is most offensive to me that the smartest, hardest working, most talented and, dare I say, best looking candidate won. How do you think that makes those who aren't so smart, hard working or talented feel?I should have known that George Bushes' home town wouldn't know anything about political correctness. Way to go, Bailey. I love you