Thursday, February 16, 2006

Guatemala Mission Feb. 18-26, 2006

This picture was taken last year in one of the villages we worked. There is never a shortage of patients and an over supply of on lookers.

I leave February 18 for Guatemala. Greg Dayton, our local Tom Thum pharmacist, is going with me. This is his first medical mission trip, but I hope he gets hooked like the rest of us, and make this an annual visit.

I hope to work at the Clinica Ezell for two days assisting with clef palate/lip surgeries and then go to villages for two or three day. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Faith Hope Love said...

Please send me more pictures of how the surgical suites looks like in the Ezell clinic and more about the clinic--How many beds they have and how many regular staff they have? More news about the trip.