Friday, July 14, 2006

I have not been in one place for a month this summer, but I have not been home any either. Rose and Papa both "encouraged" me to blog, and this is my contribution. I started the summer by registering at Harding, and have 15 hours next semester which were difficult to procure because of my AP credits and planned semester in Europe. Then I headed to church camp as a camper for my last year of Zenith at OC. It was wonderful. I had one night in my bed before flying to Nicaragua with Papa. A learning experience and a testament to how much I appreciate mission experiences. Then I was home for a few days to shop for my dorm, train for Royal Family and head to Cornerstone, a middle school camp, as a counselor. 14 middle school girls. It was like reliving the worst years of my life, but I was viewed as old and supposed to have all the answers. Actually it was awesome and my group grew tremendously. God has worked powerfully in everything He has allowed me to do this summer, and I am blessed to have so many opportunities. I leave for Houston on Monday and then Royal Family Kids' Camp for foster children is the next week. It amazes me how much energy I still have...lots of love to everyone, and I hope your summers are as wonderful (I know they are as full) as mine has been thus far.

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