Friday, July 21, 2006

Indonesia - July 2006 - Clef Lips

One reason for going to Indonesia, was to participate in doing 20 clef lip surgeries. BandS is in partnership with Hoesni Karim, a business man in Medan. He is a good friend who is very generous in caring for those who need help. He has several projects that include lip surgeries, dialysis center and cataract surgery clinics.
We agreed to do 20 surgeries this year and were fortunate to get started on them while I was there.

You can see the first two photos are before and immediately after surgery. These children did not receive any premedication. They just came to the operating room and we used local anesthesia. I have never seen children so cooperative during what must have been a frightening experience. We only did three surgeries the first afternoon.

The plastic surgeon we hired in Medan, Dr. Nazar, has agreed to do unilateral lips for $250, bi-lateral lips for $500 and clef palates for $500.

Pictured here is one of the more difficult cases that will be completed in the near future.

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This little girl was too congested for us to operate on. She requires a general anesthetic for this procedure, and will hopefully be ready for surgery next week.

Thanks for all your help and interest in this ministry.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

As an adult who was born with a cleft lip and palate, these pictures touch my heart in a personal and very emotional way.

I made my way to your blog through Brandon Thomas.

You are in my prayers for God's blessings to flow through you as you do this good work.

I'd love to be able to minister in this way. Is there anything a professional photographer could do?