Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Medical Mission - El Cua, Nicaragua

Dr. Cody Mihills, Jordan and I along with about 40 other workers traveled to El Cua Nicaragua to conduct a medical mission. This trip was lead by Malena Rampy of Olive Branch Ministries.

The working and living conditions were very primative, but the volume of patients was great. I know Cody saw over 150 patients in one day, and we averaged about 60 extractions each day.

The hotel had no running water, just a tank and a bucket to use for showering. The toilets did not flush and the electricity was off about as much as it was on.

The food was good and we had plenty to eat.

Our daily routine began with alarms going off at 5 a.m. Needles to say, with cold water and a bucket, it didn't take long to shower.

The morning devotionals began at 6 a.m. Breakfast was at 6.30 and clinic opened as soon as possible there after.

Jordan and I were assisted by a Spanish speaking young man from Germany. Sabastian was a good worker, good translator and we couldn't have done well without him.

Our trip out from El Cua was interesting. We came very close to having a head on with another bus. Then we transfered to smaller vans and had the experience of a broken cable on the transmission and a flat tire, causing us to arrive 3 hours late for our luncheon appointment.

After lunch we went to a shopping area and enjoyed the bargaining and shopping that is traditional in Central America.

Jordan was a great worker, shopper and travelling companion. The picture is of us at the farewell banquet provided by one of the local congregations.

Posted by Picasa This was Dr. Cody's second trip with Olive Branch and I think it won't be his last. He has a caring heart and the patients were very blessed and appreciative.

You can see some of the beauty of Nicargua in this final picture.

I hope Jordan will blog her impressions of the trip. I leave in about 10 hours for Indonesia and the Philippines, and I have not finished packing. Pray for me.

John (Papa)


Stephen Bailey said...

I don't know when or if you will be in a place to see this, but thanks for taking the time to post this Dad. I'm glad we at least got to see you on the 4th.

What a great trip for Jordan and Cody! I know you were blessed to have them join you. You are in our prayers. Be safe and for crying out loud, watch what you eat!

Jordan said...

Papa likes to sit by small women...I know this now along with several other interesting tidbits...ask for more info cousins before your spring break trip which will be awesome!