Friday, January 13, 2006

Guatemala - April 6-16, 2005

Working with Marie Agee and her team is always a pleasure. It is one of the reasons I try to go to Guatemala every year. The Clinica Ezell is a fine hospital with three surery suites, a large sterilization area, pharmacy and a large post op recovery area. There is a dental clinic with a full time dentist who works in the clinic but also goes to remote villages one day a week. I like to work at Clinica Ezell but I like going to the villages more. I have been fortunate in being able to do this each time I have visited there.
I try to take at least one person with me who has never been on a medical mission. This is a good place for a first trip because you have a good place to sleep, shower and the food is great. You are not overwhelmed like you might be if you just went from here to a village and saw the primative conditions we work in. Posted by Picasa


Faith Hope Love said...

This is so nice. I really wish some day in China I could build a similar facility like this. Do you know how much it costs to have a clinic like this in Guatamala? I like the picture.Joshua

John Bailey said...

I do not know the cost of this place, but it is used for the treatment of the poor and the glory of God.